
Addressing Mobile Operator VoLTE Roaming LI Challenges

This is a busy time for mobile operators, both large and small. The march toward 5G deployment is underway for most large mobile operators while small and mid-size operators are pushing toward the deployment of IP Multimedia Systems (IMS) for Voice over LTE (VoLTE) operation. VoLTE allows operators to phase out 3G voice service by […]

Cybersecurity Standards Practices as Cyber Threats

One of the most embarrassing and pernicious realities in the world of cybersecurity is the stark reality that some industry cybersecurity standards practices are themselves cyber threats. How so? Most industry and intergovernmental standards bodies serve as means for assembling the constantly evolving collective knowledge of participant experts and package the resulting specifications and best […]

Innovation Today is IN the Network

The level of 3GPP industry involvement and collaboration today probably exceeds all other telecoms, internet, and assorted other bodies put together… and then some. Nowhere was this better demonstrated than the stunning 3GPP standards mega-meeting this past week in Reno — and the message was clear: innovation today is *in* the network.

NFV Plenary #16 wraps up 2016 in Shenzhen

The industry’s principal Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) standards venue wrapped up the year in the world’s powerhouse electronics capital, Shenzhen, December 12-15, hosted by Huawei Technologies. 176 participants under the leadership of newly elected plenary chair Diego Lopez of Telefónica, fielded 80 input documents. The event included multiple NFV sub-group meetings, a joint meeting with the MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) standards group, a Huawei workshop, and a special 5G session. ETSI also provided an update on the first NFV plugtests for interoperability among almost every vendor being held in Madrid for the week beginning January 23.

ETSI Technical Committee Lawful Interception Meeting

The highlight of the meeting was the approval and publication of TS 103 120: Handover Interface 1: Interface for Warrant Information. This specification defines how law enforcement and other agencies can electronically submit Warrant and Tasking information to Communication Service Providers (CSP). The focus is primarily on LI but leaves room for future extensions to support lawful orders for Retained Data (RD) requests.